
eating onion Lower Cancer and Diabetes Risk, helps with Better Cardiovascular Health, Enhance Immune Function and helps with Allergy Relief.

Add a dash of cinnamon to your breakfast to help rev up your metabolism. cinnamon lower blood sugar levels, may lower cancer risk, and contains anti-inflammatory properties.

garlic is high in antioxidants, boost immunity, It’s also good for lowering blood pressure, and may lower the risk of heart disease.

prunes can help digestion, also protect against cardiovascular disease, may help prevent diabetes, and help lower cholesterol.

If you have knee pain, eat carrot, Turmeric, Apple Cider Vinegar, Ginger, Walnuts, Whole Grains, Mustard Oil, Avocado, Tart Cherries and Red Peppers. Each of them can help to reduce inflammation, the primary source of joints pain.

Aloe Vera, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Green Tea and Turmeric, sooth pain and inflammation of Joints. Some are best when used topically, such as eucalyptus, but most, such as green tea and ginger, can be integrated  into your daily diet.

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