Butter is made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk constant use of fresh fodder in New Zealand, the country produces a unique flavor and soft texture for consumers.

Nonfat dry milk is a product that is created when water is removed from pasteurized nonfat milk. skim milk powder (SMP) must contain no less than 95 percent milk solids and must not exceed 4 percent moisture or 1.5 percent of fat, unless otherwise indicated.

Milk protein concentrate (MPC) is any type of concentrated milk product that contains 40–90% milk protein. To make milk protein concentrate, whole milk is first separated into cream and skim milk. The skim milk is then fractionated using ultrafiltration to make a skim concentrate that is lactose-reduced. This process separates milk components according to their molecular size.

Whey protein is a mixture of globular proteins isolated from whey, the liquid material created as a by-product of cheese production. Whey protein is commonly marketed as a dietary supplement, and various health claims have been attributed to it in the alternative medicine community

Casein is the main protein in milk. This protein forms 80% of cow’s milk and the remaining 20% ​​is whey protein. The casein protein contained in the milk was extracted by ultra filtration and no chemical was used. The result of this process is an increase in the amount of milk bioactive peptides that support immunity and lead to muscle growth.